When I provided training for leaders telecommuters at my company, we covered this in detail. Each leader understood about protecting work time and respecting after hours time. Each telecommuter understood and he had to coach family members to respect work time. One of my innovative engineers scheduled "Kelly" breaks for his oldest daughter, who got a 10 minute break with Dad at set times, morning and afternoon. The afternoon break was scheduled to coincide with her arrival at home, after school. Mom also understood that she needed to protect his working hours. In exchange, he got back the 3+ hours spent commuting to our main office.

Kathleen Renee Parrish
Kathleen Renee Parrish

Written by Kathleen Renee Parrish

I'm a gleefully retired nuclear engineer, wife, mother and (new) grandmother. We live in Arizona in a rural neighborhood. I retired early to write and travel.

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